Relations and Membership Lead in Learning Lab, DCA

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Would you like to contribute to capacity sharing in NGOs and civil society organisations around the world? Are you interested in the development and humanitarian sector? Learning Lab, a specialised learning unit in DanChurchAid (DCA), is offering a unique position to lead our membership mobilisation and engagement work.
You will be part of an innovative and dynamic team of 10 colleagues all working towards creating and promoting impactful learning experiences in the communities we serve. We collaborate with units and country offices internally in DCA, but also with many other organisations around the world. Learning Lab also facilitates the global Fabo Learning Community, a membership-based community with 30 member organisations.
Besides driving Fabo and our projects, we constantly seek new inspiration and test new methods and technologies to ensure that we deliver high-quality solutions based on innovative thinking, learner-centred design, and evidence-based analysis. With this work, our ambition is to support and advance the capacity development of frontline humanitarian and development professionals and empower vulnerable groups directly through capacity strengthening and innovative learning solutions.
In this role, you will apply and develop your talents within stakeholder and account management, relationship and community building and communications. We envision that you have the drive, creativity, and ambition to lead and implement our sales, mobilisation and engagement strategies. In collaboration with team colleagues and involved stakeholders, you will identify and approach potential member organisations to pitch Fabo membership opportunities and ensure continued engagement with current Fabo member organisations by facilitating events, webinars and other community-building activities. Furthermore, you will have a central role in the framing process of incoming learning projects from our Fabo members before handing over to project managers in Learning Lab.
Openness and the ability to embrace and engage in change and feedback processes will be essential. You will participate actively in discussions and explore and challenge your own and other’s ideas and views. It should be natural and motivating for you to bring the right stakeholders together and transform ideas into specific and valuable prototypes and projects.
Key responsibilities in this position include:
Key responsibilities in this position include:
  • Driving and developing the membership sales and mobilisation of potential Fabo member organisations – continuously refining the strategies with employ
  • Developing and implementing strategies and concepts that will engage Fabo member organisations and ensure continued satisfaction with their membership
  • Designing and facilitating community-building and capacity-strengthening events, meetings and workshops for our members and project stakeholders
  • Being the relations focal point for all existing and potential member organisations and ensuring smooth communication with the members. Building good working relationships with member organisations and project stakeholders is a necessary part of the role
  • Designing and facilitating onboarding processes for new member organisations and ongoing membership support of existing members
  • Responsible for framing new learning projects with member organisations and other stakeholders
  • Opportunities to use other relevant skills and experiences that can move us forward.

  • Driving and developing the membership sales and mobilisation of potential Fabo member organisations – continuously refining the strategies with employ
    Developing and implementing strategies and concepts that will engage Fabo member organisations and ensure continued satisfaction with their membership
    Designing and facilitating community-building and capacity-strengthening events, meetings and workshops for our members and project stakeholders
    Being the relations focal point for all existing and potential member organisations and ensuring smooth communication with the members. Building good working relationships with member organisations and project stakeholders is a necessary part of the role
    Designing and facilitating onboarding processes for new member organisations and ongoing membership support of existing members
    Responsible for framing new learning projects with member organisations and other stakeholders
    Opportunities to use other relevant skills and experiences that can move us forward.
    Required qualifications:
    Required qualifications:
  • 7+ years of proven experience with account management with a large portfolio of international companies or organisations in an international consultancy setting
  • Stakeholder management experience in an international setting with multi-level stakeholders from different cultural and professional backgrounds
  • Solid project management experience, i.e.. managing human resources, budgets and deadlines
  • Excellent presentation and speaking skills both online and in-person
  • High level of technological flair
  • Fluent in oral and written English and Danish (proficiency in Arabic, French, or Spanish is an advantage)
  • Advantage: Experience from the development and humanitarian sector.

  • 7+ years of proven experience with account management with a large portfolio of international companies or organisations in an international consultancy setting
    Stakeholder management experience in an international setting with multi-level stakeholders from different cultural and professional backgrounds
    Solid project management experience, i.e.. managing human resources, budgets and deadlines
    Excellent presentation and speaking skills both online and in-person
    High level of technological flair
    Fluent in oral and written English and Danish (proficiency in Arabic, French, or Spanish is an advantage)
    Advantage: Experience from the development and humanitarian sector.
    As a person, you are:
    As a person, you are:
  • Structured and organised
  • Proactive and creative in problem-solving
  • Able to adapt to changing work situations and circumstances
  • A self-starter and able to work independently
  • A strong team player with a collaborative mindset
  • Motivated by making a difference and contributing to positive change for our end users.

  • Structured and organised
    Proactive and creative in problem-solving
    Able to adapt to changing work situations and circumstances
    A self-starter and able to work independently
    A strong team player with a collaborative mindset
    Motivated by making a difference and contributing to positive change for our end users.
    We offer:
    We offer:
  • An exciting workplace with a diverse, fun and dedicated team
  • Permanent contract based on DanChurchAid´s collective agreement and an attractive pension and insurance scheme
  • 37 hours/week, including lunch
  • Flexible working hours and the possibility of some work from home
  • Travel to DCA Country Offices, Fabo member locations or in relation to project work (expected to be 1-3 weeks annually)
  • A job in Vesterbro, Copenhagen: DCA headquarters in Meldahlsgade 3, 1613 Copenhagen V

  • An exciting workplace with a diverse, fun and dedicated team
    Permanent contract based on DanChurchAid´s collective agreement and an attractive pension and insurance scheme
    37 hours/week, including lunch
    Flexible working hours and the possibility of some work from home
    Travel to DCA Country Offices, Fabo member locations or in relation to project work (expected to be 1-3 weeks annually)
    A job in Vesterbro, Copenhagen: DCA headquarters in Meldahlsgade 3, 1613 Copenhagen V
    Submit your application
    Submit your application
    Please apply through our recruitment platform Emply no later than February 18, 2024. You can access the platform via: Ledige stillinger I Folkekirkens Nødhjælp (
    Expected start date is as soon as possible or April 1, 2024.
    Expected start date is as soon as possible or April 1, 2024.
    We encourage all interested candidates, irrespective of age, gender, race, religion, or ethnic affiliation to apply for the position. DCA conducts an anti-terror check as part of the recruitment process. It is a prerequisite that you can pass this check and maintain this status throughout your employment with us. Everyone applying for a job with DCA must be ready to comply with our Code of Conduct, Staff Policy on Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment and our Child Safeguarding Policy.

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